07 February 2020

Аn unknown ship captured by pirates in Guinean Gulf, kidnapping almost the whole crew, leaving only a cadet from Nigeria.

Presumably, this may be tanker Duke (carrying oil/chemical products). She left Luanda heading for fuel cargo discharge, currently managers confirm information about local vessel being attacked and 20 team members’ abduction (Indian citizens). Just one Nigerian trainee escaped aforesaid forcible removal.

Presumably, this may be tanker Duke (carrying oil/chemical products). She left Luanda heading for fuel cargo discharge, currently managers confirm information about local vessel being attacked and 20 team members’ abduction (Indian citizens). Just one Nigerian trainee escaped aforesaid forcible removal.

Authorities help owners sending another new sea-staff headed tug, which aim focuses on reaching previously affected seacraft then restarting commandment, also developing group rescuing operation (their high preference), supporting seafarers’ families.

When early morning came, boarding signal disappeared. Combating piracy center suggests that attack was occurred before 8 a.m. Anytime soon, no further details are provided to avoid endangering the kidnapped’ safety.

Now, regional leadership continues doing everything possible finding ways of establishing contact with sailors.

Above mentioned craft is rated as having medium risk rating (34%).

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