Investment in shipping


We are glad to inform you that our company possesses all the necessary expertise and experience in investments connected with ships. Considering the recent remarkable events in the world it is clear that shipping is one of the most predictable and secure ways of saving and enlarging either personal or corporate capital.



There also exist a pleasant opportunity to trust the management to a professional operator, who is sure to cope with all technical, as well as financial and legal issues. The latest researches show that profitability of shipping segment exceeds the average interest rates of bonds and other conservative instruments, reaching the target point at 20%. We will guide you through all the reefs of dealing with contractors.



The main feature of such kind of business is that the owner of a considerable amount of capital minimizes his risks due to real purchasing of property instead of spending it on doubtful and uncertain stock markets. Convertibility of your assets is a greatest advantage of partnership with us.

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